flag us-uk BOB DYLAN BOOKS IN ENGLISH, B letter:

      Note: 80% of the books on the website have 'Bob Dylan' printed on the front cover. In order to avoid adding much more lines to this already long B page, are only listed below under 'BOB DYLAN...' the books where the name is obviously a part of the title, such as BOB DYLAN IN HIS OWN WORDS.
     The others, where 'Bob Dylan' is just an indication on the cover, are located on the page of the first letter of their title: for example MAN IN THE LONG BLACK COAT (BOB DYLAN) is on the M page.
     The choices may be questionable: in case of doubt, please use the Search.


baby let me follow you down eric von schmidt Bob Dylan book * BABY LET ME FOLLOW YOU DOWN, by Eric Von Schmidt and Jim Rooney. (2 editions)

back in the rain Bob Dylan book BACK IN THE RAIN, by Doc Pasquale.

back of the tapestry Bob Dylan book BACK OF THE TAPESTRY, by Ian Woodward

back in the rain Bob Dylan book * BACKSTAGE PASSES & BACKSTABBING BASTARDS, by Al Kooper.

the ballad of Bob Dylan mark epstein hardcover book BALLAD OF BOB DYLAN (THE) - A PORTRAIT, by Daniel Mark Epstein, (6 editions).

ballads blues and the big beat hardcover book * BALLADS BLUES AND THE BIG BEAT, by David Myrus

band of troubadours book  BAND OF TROUBADOURS, by Jesse Shanks

bargainin' for salvation Bob Dylan book BARGAININ' FOR SALVATION by Steven Heine.

basement tales markhorst bob dylan book in English BASEMENT TALES, by Andrea Brillo, (2 editions).

the basement tapes markhorst bob dylan book in English BASEMENT TAPES (THE), by Jochen Markhorst. (2 editions)

beat sound beat vision laurence coupe Bob Dylan book * BEAT SOUND, BEAT VISION, by Laurence Coupe.

the beat vision knight Bob Dylan book * BEAT VISION (THE), by Arthur and Kit Knight.

the beat vision knight Bob Dylan book * BECOMING FRIENDS WITH CHAOS, by Angel A. James.

behind the shades clinton heylin hardback viking Bob Dylan book BEHIND THE SHADES (DYLAN) - THE BIOGRAPHY, by Clinton Heylin. (10 editions, 1 pre-publication cover, 1 uncorrected proof)

being Bob Dylan book BEING BOB DYLAN, by Danny Chicago.

the bible in the lyrics of Bob Dylan book BIBLE IN THE LYRICS OF BOB DYLAN (THE), by Bert Cartwright. (2 editions)


the biograph booklet book BIOGRAPH BOOKLET, (THE)

the biography of bob dylanbook BIOGRAPHY OF BOB DYLAN (THE)

the bitter end Bob Dylan book * BITTER END (THE), by Paul Colby.

bittersweet love songs of Bob Dylan book BITTERSWEET LOVE SONGS OF BOB DYLAN, by Donna M. George.

blessed are the peacemakers bob dylan book in English * BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, edited by Allen and Linda Kirschner.

blonde on blonde markhorst bob dylan book in English BLONDE ON BLONDE, by Jochen Markhorst.

blonde on the tracks book BLONDE ON THE TRACKS, by Scot P. Livingston.

blood in the tracks book BLOOD IN THE TRACKS, by Paul Metsa and Rick Shefchik.

blood on the tracks Markhorst Bob Dylan book BLOOD ON THE TRACKS - DYLAN'S MASTERPIECE IN BLUE, by Jochen Markhorst

blood on the tracks the story of Bob Dylan book BLOOD ON THE TRACKS - THE STORY OF BOB DYLAN, by Chris Rowley. (2 editions)

blowin' in the wind jon j muth Bob Dylan book BLOWIN' IN THE WIND, Lyrics by Bob Dylan, Illustrations by Jon J Muth. (2 editions)

bob dylan singer for his times BLOWIN' IN THE WIND, by Bruce T. Paddock - myWorld Social Studies

bob dylan singer for his times BLOWIN' IN THE WIND - STUDY GUIDE, SuperSummary

blown Out On The Trails Dylan book BLOWN OUT ON THE TRAIL, by John Howells. (2 editions)

blue bob book BLUE BOB, edited by Adam Van Winkle

the Bob book * BOB BOOK (THE), by David Rensin and Bill Zehme

Bob Dylan kathleen beal book BOB DYLAN, by Kathleen Beal. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan karen beggs 1998 book BOB DYLAN, by Karen Beggs.

Bob Dylan by neil j.farkas book BOB DYLAN, by Neil J. Farkas. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan by Gary J Grandy book BOB DYLAN, by Gary J. Grandy

Bob Dylan Trailblazers Of The Modern World book BOB DYLAN, by Geoffrey M. Horn. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan by miles book BOB DYLAN, by Miles.

Bob Dylan by keith negus book BOB DYLAN, by Keith Negus. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan by jeff perkins book BOB DYLAN, by Jeff Perkins.

Bob Dylan by suzan richardson book BOB DYLAN, by Susan Richardson. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan by rose ripley coloring book BOB DYLAN, by Rose Ripley (coloring book)

Bob Dylan by charles river editors book BOB DYLAN, by Charles River Editors. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan anthony scaduto grosset dunlap book BOB DYLAN, by Anthony Scaduto. (10 editions)

bob dylan the story of the world s greatest singer-songwriter carlton 2014 BOB DYLAN, by Brian Southall. (7 editions, 2 pre-publication covers)

Bob Dylan by alan stevenson book BOB DYLAN, by Alan Stevenson.

BOB DYLAN, by Robert Zimmerman BOB DYLAN, 'by Robert Zimmerman'.

Bob Dylan harly sonne book BOB DYLAN 1-2, Danemarks Skoleradio.

Bob Dylan 100 songs simon & schuster USA book BOB DYLAN - 100 SONGS, by Bob Dylan, Simon & Schuster. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan 1962 To 1970 book BOB DYLAN - 1962 TO 1970, by Opher Goodwin.

Bob Dylan 1980 book BOB DYLAN 1980, unknown author

Bob Dylan 1980-1981 shot of love book BOB DYLAN 1980-1981 - SHOT OF LOVE, by Gerhard Jansen. (2 variants)

a bio-bibliography Bob Dylan book ardcover BOB DYLAN - A BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY, by William McKeen. (2 editions)

a biobraphy bob batchelor Bob Dylan book BOB DYLAN - A BIOGRAPHY, by Bob Batchelor.

Bob Dylan john nogowski critican discography and filmography 1961-1993 book BOB DYLAN - A DESCRIPTIVE, CRITICAL DISCOGRAPHY AND FILMOGRAPHY by John Nogowski. (3 editions)

Bob Dylan a History in 12 playlists BOB DYLAN - A HISTORY IN 12 PLAYLISTS by Jesse Shanks

Bob Dylan a listing keith wilson book BOB DYLAN - A LISTING, by Keith Wilson.

Bob Dylan a nobel 80 BOB DYLAN - A NOBEL 80, by George Orr.

Bob Dylan album file book BOB DYLAN ALBUM FILE & COMPLETE  DISCOGRAPHY, by Brian Hinton.

the Bob Dylan albums varesi book BOB DYLAN ALBUMS (THE), by Anthony Varesi. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan america's cold war anti-communist poet weberman book BOB DYLAN: AMERICA'S COLD WAR ANTI-COMMUNIST POET, by A.J. Weberman. (3 editions, 1 pre-publication cover)

Bob Dylan american poet and singer wissolik book BOB DYLAN - AMERICAN POET AND SINGER by Richard Wissolik.

Bob Dylan american troubadour book BOB DYLAN - AMERICAN TROUBADOUR, by Donald Brown. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan an english fan's scrapbook BOB DYLAN: AN ENGLISH FAN'S SCRAPBOOK, by George Orr.

Bob Dylan and desire bauldie book BOB DYLAN & DESIRE, by John Bauldie.

Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas BOB DYLAN AND DYLAN THOMAS, by K. G. Miles and Jeff Towns.

Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen book BOB DYLAN AND LEONARD COHEN, by David Boucher and Lucy Boucher.

bob dylan et le mythe book in French BOB DYLAN AND MYTH - BOB DYLAN & LE MYTHE, several authors, bilingual edition.

Bob Dylan and philosophy book BOB DYLAN AND PHILOSOPHY, by Peter Vernezze. (With advance uncorrected proof)

Bob Dylan and poetic letter BOB DYLAN AND POETIC LETTER, by Millard Rieker

bob dylan and the arts book in Italian BOB DYLAN AND THE ARTS, by several authors, in English and Italian.

Bob Dylan and the beatles tino markworth  book BOB DYLAN AND THE BEAT GENERATION by Asger Schnack

Bob Dylan and the beatles tino markworth  book BOB DYLAN AND THE BEATLES - AN INTRODUCTION, by Tino Markworth.

Bob Dylan and the beatles al aronowitz book BOB DYLAN AND THE BEATLES, VOLUME ONE OF THE BEST OF THE BLACKLISTED JOURNALIST, by Al Aronowitz.

Bob Dylan and the beats book BOB DYLAN AND THE BEATS... MAGPIE POETICS, by Anne Waldman.

Bob Dylan and the british sixties book BOB DYLAN AND THE BRITISH SIXTIES - A CULTURAL HISTORY, by Tudor Jones (2 editions).

Bob Dylan and the cards book BOB DYLAN AND THE CARDS, by Walter Van der Paelt.

Bob Dylan and the end of the modern world BOB DYLAN AND THE END OF THE (MODERN) WORLD, by Christine Hand.

Bob Dylan & the fifth day of may book BOB DYLAN & THE FIFTH DAY OF MAY, by John Baldwin and Mary-Anne Baldwin.

Bob Dylan & the spheres of existence book BOB DYLAN AND THE SPHERES OF EXISTENCE, by Christopher B. Barnett.

isis anthology volume 2 Bob Dylan book BOB DYLAN ANTHOLOGY VOLUME 2 - 20 YEARS OF ISIS, edited by Derek Barker (2 editions). Volume 1 was called ISIS A BOB DYLAN ANTHOLOGY.

Bob Dylan anthology volume 3 isis 200 book BOB DYLAN ANTHOLOGY VOLUME 3, edited by Derek Barker.

Bob Dylan approximately a midrash pickering book BOB DYLAN APPROXIMATELY, by Stephen Pickering. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan At The Isle Of Wight Bradshaw Foulk book BOB DYLAN AT THE ISLE OF WIGHT FESTIVAL 1969, by Bill Bradshaw and Ray Foulk

Bob Dylan audio tapes book BOB DYLAN AUDIO TAPES (AND DECEMBER 1989 UPDATE). Private publication. .

Bob Dylan blottingpaper man book BOB DYLAN BLOTTINGPAPER MAN, by Ben Cruickshank (with a proof copy).

Bob Dylan box of visionbook BOB DYLAN - BOX OF VISION, (the book).

Bob Dylan bringing it all back home opher goodwin book BOB DYLAN - BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME, by Opher Goodwin.

Dylan bruce springsteen and american songs book * BOB DYLAN, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN AND AMERICAN SONG, by Larry David Smith.

Dylan bruce springsteen and rock fiction book BOB DYLAN, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN AND ROCK FICTION, by Franny Hatch.

Bob Dylan by daniel kramer citadel press 1967 hardcover book BOB DYLAN BY DANIEL KRAMER (7 editions)

 Bob Dylan by greil marcus public affairs 2010 book BOB DYLAN BY GREIL MARCUS - WRITINGS 1968-2010. (4 editions)

Bob Dylan can change your life book BOB DYLAN CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE, by Adam Christing.

Bob Dylan collection hibbing library book BOB DYLAN COLLECTION, Hibbing Public Library. (2 editions)

the Bob Dylan companion book carl benson BOB DYLAN COMPANION (THE), by Carl Benson

Bob Dylan complete discography brian hinton book BOB DYLAN COMPLETE DISCOGRAPHY, by Brian Hinton.

Bob Dylan complete works Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij and Thomas Rap Publishers 1969 book BOB DYLAN COMPLETE WORKS, Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij and Thomas Rap

the Bob Dylan concordance book BOB DYLAN CONCORDANCE (THE), by Steve Michel.

Bob Dylan constant sorrow book BOB DYLAN - CONSTANT SORROW, by Jeff Perkins.

the Bob Dylan files 1962-1995 book BOB DYLAN COPYRIGHT FILES (THE) - 1962-1995, by Tim Dunn. (3 editions)

Bob Dylan cover versions book BOB DYLAN COVER-VERSIONS, by Gerhard Jansen.

Bob Dylan desire chris wade book BOB DYLAN DESIRE, by Chris Wade.

Bob Dylan dream my life with bob book BOB DYLAN DREAM, by Roy Kelly.

the Bob Dylan encyclopaedia UK hardback michael gray book BOB DYLAN ENCYCLOPEDIA (THE), by Michael Gray. (3 editions, 1 uncorrected proof)

bob dylan faq bruce pollock BOB DYLAN FAQ,  by Bruce Pollock.

Bob Dylan files 63-69 book BOB DYLAN FILE - 63-69, Get On Down Publication

Bob Dylan freewheelin' his life his music book BOB DYLAN FREEWHEELIN' HIS LIFE AND MUSIC, hardback book and 4 DVD set

Bob Dylan gypsy troubadour book BOB DYLAN: GYPSY TROUBADOUR by Robert G. Anstey

his unreleased recordings cable hardcover Bob Dylan book BOB DYLAN - HIS UNRELEASED RECORDINGS, by Paul Cable. (3 editions)

Bob Dylan's poetics timothy Hampton BOB DYLAN - HOW THE SONGS WORK, by Timothy Hampton. (2 editions with proof and prepublication)

bob dylan illustrated book in Dutch BOB DYLAN ILLUSTRATED, by Theo Bogart.

Bob Dylan in america book BOB DYLAN IN AMERICA, by Sean Wilentz. (4 editions, 1 bound galley)

Bob Dylan in hell luca grossi BOB DYLAN IN HELL, by Luca Grossi.

Bob Dylan in his own words miles 1978 omnibus book BOB DYLAN IN HIS OWN WORDS, compiled by Miles. (3 editions)

Bob Dylan in his own words chris williams 1993 book BOB DYLAN IN HIS OWN WORDS, by Chris Williams. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan in his own write personal sketches 1962-65 book BOB DYLAN IN HIS OWN WRITE - PERSONAL SKETCHES 1962-65. (3 variants, 4 editions)

Bob Dylan in jack kerouac's lowell book BOB DYLAN IN JACK KEROUAC'S LOWELL 1975, by Kevin Ring. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan in London book BOB DYLAN IN LONDON, by Jackie Lees and K. G. Miles

Bob Dylan in Minnesota book BOB DYLAN IN MINNESOTA, by K. G. Miles

Bob Dylan in performance a filmography 1962-1967 book BOB DYLAN IN PERFORMANCE - A FILMOGRAPHY by Anders Lindh, (three volumes).

Bob Dylan in performance song stage and screen book BOB DYLAN IN PERFORMANCE - SONG, STAGE AND SCREEN, by Keith Nainby and John M. Radosta, (2 editions).

Bob Dylan in sweden book BOB DYLAN IN SWEDEN, by Lars Hols

Bob Dylan in the 60s  decades  book BOB DYLAN IN THE 1960s, by Opher Goodwin (Decades).

Bob Dylan in the 70s  wade book BOB DYLAN IN THE 1970s, by Chris Wade

Bob Dylan in the 1980s don klees decades book BOB DYLAN IN THE 1980s, by Don Klees (Decades).

Bob Dylan in the 80s wade book BOB DYLAN IN THE 1980s, by Chris Wade.

Bob Dylan in the 80s wade book BOB DYLAN IN THE 2020s, by François Guillez.

Bob Dylan in the attic dylan book BOB DYLAN IN THE ATTIC, by Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez.

Bob Dylan in the Big apple dylan book BOB DYLAN IN THE BIG APPLE, by K.G. Miles.

Bob Dylan in the british isles book BOB DYLAN IN THE BRITISH ISLES, by Steve Butterworth.

Bob Dylan in the netherlands 1965-1978 book BOB DYLAN IN THE NETHERLANDS 1965-1978, by Tom Willems.

The Bob Dylan interviews  BOB DYLAN INTERVIEWS (THE), by Clinton Heylin

Bob Dylan is art book BOB DYLAN IS ART, by Jack Joblin and Udo Glanz

Bob Dylan is back book BOB DYLAN IS BACK.

Bob Dylan jewish roots american soil book BOB DYLAN - JEWISH ROOTS, AMERICAN SOIL, by Harry Freedman

Bob Dylan little people big dreams book BOB DYLAN - LITTLE PEOPLE, BIG DREAMS, by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara and Conrad Roset.

Bob Dylan live in canada book BOB DYLAN LIVE IN CANADA, A CONCERT HISTORY 1962-2005, by Brady J. Leyser and Olof Björner.

Bob Dylan love coloring book BOB DYLAN LOVE COLORING BOOK, by Hood Theorem.

Bob Dylan lyrics versus the academics book BOB DYLAN LYRICS VERSUS THE ACADEMICS, by Frank Bond.


Bob Dylan mixing up the medicine book BOB DYLAN - MIXING UP THE MEDICINE, edited by Mark Davidson and Parker Fishel

bob dylan mr tambourine man book BOB DYLAN - MR. TAMBOURINE MAN, by Michael A. O Neill.

Bob Dylan new york book BOB DYLAN NEW YORK / NEW YORK BOB DYLAN, by June Skinner Sawyers.

Bob Dylan nyc 1961-1964 book BOB DYLAN - NYC 1961-1964, by Chris Murray (text) and Ted Russell (photographs).

Bob Dylan on a couch and 50 cents a day BOB DYLAN - ON A COUCH & FIFTY CENTS A DAY, by Peter McKenzie.

Bob Dylan on film BOB DYLAN ON FILM, by Jonathan Hodgers.

bob dylan on the road book in German BOB DYLAN ON THE ROAD, by Christof Graf

Bob Dylan play book colour cut play BOB DYLAN PLAY BOOK - COLOR, CUT, PLAY!, by Matteo Guarnaccia.

Bob Dylan post modern troubadour book BOB DYLAN POSTMODERN TROUBADOUR?, by Elaine Jackson.

Bob Dylan prophet without god BOB DYLAN PROPHET WITHOUT GOD, by Jeffrey Edward Green.

Bob Dylan jewish roots american soil book BOB DYLAN QUIZ BOOK (THE), by Mart Matthews


Bob Dylan revisited featuring 13 illustrated songs book BOB DYLAN REVISITED - FEATURING 13 ILLUSTRATED SONGS, W.W.Norton (with proof copy)

the Bob Dylan scrapbook 1956-1966 santelli BOB DYLAN SCRAPBOOK 1956-1966 (THE), by Robert Santelli

bob dylan singer for his times BOB DYLAN - SINGER FOR HIS TIMES, by Bruce T. Paddock - myWorld Social Studies

bob dylan singer songwriter and music idol by Michael A; Schuman BOB DYLAN - SINGER, SONGWRITER AND MUSIC ICON, by Michael A. Schuman

Bob Dylan sleeping poems book * BOB DYLAN SLEEPING  - POEMS, by Sean Enright

Bob Dylan stole my banana * BOB DYLAN STOLE MY BANANA, by Liam Sean McKnight

Bob Dylan tapes booklet BOB DYLAN TAPES, by Eric Klitgaard (2 editions)

Bob Dylan the 1960s frangoulis book  BOB DYLAN - THE 1960s, by George Frangoulis.

Bob Dylan the band 1974 les kokay book BOB DYLAN / THE BAND - (A COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO THE 74 TOUR), by Les Kokay.

Bob Dylan the band 1974 les kokay book BOB DYLAN THE BROADSIDE YEARS, edited by George Orr.

Bob Dylan the complete discography BOB DYLAN THE COMPLETE DISCOGRAPHY.

Bob Dylan the concerts the 60s paul murphy book BOB DYLAN - THE CONCERTS - THE 60s, by Paul Murphy.

Bob Dylan the concerts the 70s paul murphy book BOB DYLAN - THE CONCERTS - THE 70s, by Paul Murphy.

Bob Dylan the folio of lyrics book  BOB DYLAN - THE FOLIO OF LYRICS, A Snide Production.

Bob Dylan the interviews a list clinton heylin book BOB DYLAN - THE INTERVIEWS - A LIST, by Clinton Heylin. (2 variants)

Bob Dylan the man with a vision book * BOB DYLAN, THE MAN WITH A VISION by Khalid Reza

Bob Dylan the never ending star book BOB DYLAN THE NEVER ENDING STAR, by Lee Marshall. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan the poet book BOB DYLAN THE POET, by Anne-Marie Mai

Bob Dylan the poet's poet michael mcclure book BOB DYLAN THE POET'S POET, by Michael McClure

Bob Dylan the psalms and the bible book BOB DYLAN, THE PSALMS AND THE BIBLE, by Martin Esselin

Bob Dylan the spirit and the letter book BOB DYLAN THE SPIRIT AND THE LETTER, by Z.W. Wolkowski.

Bob Dylan the stories behind the songs andy gill book BOB DYLAN - THE STORIES BEHIND THE SONGS 1962-1969, by Andy Gill. (5 editions, 3 different titles)

Bob Dylan through the eyes of joe alper book BOB DYLAN THROUGH THE EYES OF JOE ALPER

bob dylan through time BOB DYLAN THROUGH TIME, by Chris Wade.

Bob Dylan into jack kerouac's lowell book BOB DYLAN THUNDERS INTO JACK KEROUAC'S LOWELL, by Kevin Ring. (2 editions)

Bob Dylan trade mark of quality book  BOB DYLAN "TRADE MARK OF QUALITY", BOOTLEG VINYL 1971-1974, by Bill Eden.

Bob Dylan trivia book  BOB DYLAN TRIVIA, by Jesse Shanks.

the Bob Dylan underground discography ray stavrou book BOB DYLAN UNDERGROUND DISCOGRAPHY (THE) , by Ray Stavrou, Maurizio Antonin and Umberto Sembenelli. (4 volumes)

Bob Dylan voice of a generation roberts book BOB DYLAN VOICE OF A GENERATION, by Jeremy Roberts.

Bob Dylan what the fck happened book BOB DYLAN: WHAT THE F* CK HAPPENED?, by Greg Sterlace.

what the songs mean Bob Dylan book BOB DYLAN - WHAT THE SONGS MEAN, by Michael Karwowski

Bob Dylan worldwide the first twenty years christoph maus book dust cover BOB DYLAN WORLDWIDE - THE FIRST TWENTY YEARS by Christoph Maus.

Bob Dylans 1971 Markhorst German BOB DYLANS 1971, by Jochen Markhorst.

Bob Dylan's Biography' BOB DYLAN'S BIOGRAPHY by Alexander J. Young.

Bob Dylan's career as a blakean visionary book BOB DYLAN’S CAREER AS A BLAKEAN VISIONARY & ROMANTIC, by Eugene Stelzig.

Bob Dylan's command of metaphor BOB DYLAN’S COMMAND OF METAPHOR AND OTHER ESSAYS, by Mary Freeman.

Bob Dylan's dream by the late hezekiah jones book 'BOB DYLAN'S DREAM' BY THE LATE HEZEKIAH JONES

bob dylan greatest hits book in English BOB DYLAN'S GREATEST HITS, by Jochen Markhorst.

Bob Dylan's Hibbing edlis cafe BOB DYLAN'S HIBBING, Edlis Café.

Bob Dylan's High Water Markhorst English BOB DYLAN'S HIGH WATER (FOR CHARLEY PATTON), by Jochen Markhorst.

Bob Dylan's Malibu edlis cafe BOB DYLAN'S MALIBU, Edlis Café.

Bob Dylan's New York BOB DYLAN'S NEW YORK, by June Skinners Sawyers. (BOB DYLAN NEW YORK revised edition)

Bob Dylan's New York Dick Weissman BOB DYLAN'S NEW YORK - A HISTORIC GUIDE, by Dick Weissman

Bob Dylan's picnic blackbushe book BOB DYLAN'S PICNIC, by Jerry Bloom.

Bob Dylan's poetics timothy Hampton BOB DYLAN'S POETICS, by Timothy Hampton. (2 editions with proof and prepublication)

Bob Dylan's rough and rowdy ways markhorst BOB DYLAN'S ROUGH AND ROWDY WAYS - SIDE B, by Jochen Markhorst

Bob Dylan's significance... BOB DYLAN'S SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE MUSIC INDUSTRY ..., by Charles Lustig

Bob Dylan's slow train book BOB DYLAN'S SLOW TRAIN, by John Hinchey

Bob Dylan's voice book BOB DYLAN'S VOICE, by Nele Maresa Fink

Bob Dylan's words wissolik mcgrath book BOB DYLAN'S WORDS, by Richard David Wissolik and Scott McGrath.


Bob Dylan book of father wisdom * BOOK OF FATHER'S WISDOM (THE) - PATERNAL ADVICE FROM MOSES TO BOB DYLAN, by Edward Phd Hoffman

Bob Dylan a book that nobody can write volume 1 mark carter BOOK THAT NOBODY CAN WRITE... (A), by Mark Carter. (3 volumes)

the bootleg series books and booklets BOOTLEG SERIES (THE), the books and booklets included in the box sets.

bootleg the secret history of the other recording industry book * BOOTLEG - THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE OTHER RECORDING INDUSTRY, by Clinton Heylin.

bootleg albums since great white wonder Bob Dylan book BOOTLEGS ALBUMS SINCE GREAT WHITE WONDER, by John Gough

bound for glory woody guthrie Bob Dylan book * BOTH PULITZER AND NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN LITERATURE, by Heinz-Dietrich Fischer.

bound for glory woody guthrie Bob Dylan book * BOUND FOR GLORY, by Woody Guthrie.

bringing it all back home BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME, by Jochen Markhorst (2 editions)

bringing it all back home * BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME, by Robbie Woliver

british counter culture 1966-73 nelson Bob Dylan book * BRITISH COUNTER-CULTURE, 1966-73 (THE), by Elisabeth Nelson. 


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