Most of these books are from France, two of them are from Canada , more precisely the province of Québec, where the only official language is French.


Canada canada flag, Quebec quebec flag

les parcours de bob dylan book in French BLOWIN' IN THE WIND - LES PARCOURS DE BOB DYLAN, by Michel Jacques.

bob dylan images de sa vie book in French BOB DYLAN - IMAGES DE SA VIE, Les Editions de L’Homme.

France france flag

33 révolutions par minute bob dylan book in French * 33 RÉVOLUTIONS PAR MINUTE, by Dorian Lynskey.

l age d'or du Rock & Folk dylan book in french * ÂGE D'OR DU ROCK & FOLK (L'), by Jacques Barsamian and François Jouffa.


l annee prochaine a new york bob dylan book in french ANNÉE PROCHAINE À NEW YORK (L') - DYLAN AVANT DYLAN, by Antoine Billot.

another-freewheelin' jacques selles bob dylan book in French ANOTHER FREEWHEELIN' OF BOB DYLAN, text by Jacques Sellès, drawing by Hanif Emeric

l'autre Dylan olivier segard AUTRE DYLAN (L'), by Olivier Segard

la ballade de bob dylan epstein book in French BALLADE DE BOB DYLAN (LA), by Daniel Mark Epstein

TheBand Bob Dylan book * BAND (THE) by Bertrand Bouard.

bob dylan pablo francois kahn book in French 2014 BOB DYLAN, by François Kahn, illustrations by Pablo. (4 editions)

bob dylan scaduto book in French BOB DYLAN, by Anthony Scaduto (2 editions)

bob dylan sa vie sa musique book in French BOB DYLAN, by Robert Shelton (2 editions).

bob dylan sylvain vanot book in French BOB DYLAN, by Silvain Vanot. (2 variants)

bob dylan 13 à table book in French BOB DYLAN - 13 À TABLE by Christian Ravasco

bob dylan 13 à table book in French BOB DYLAN - 61 FULGURANCES REVISITÉES, Le Bousquet-La Barthe Editions

bob dylan 1962-69 l'intégrale des années 60 book in French BOB DYLAN 1962-69 - L'INTÉGRALE DES ANNÉES 60, by Andy Gill

bob dylan 2020 book in French BOB DYLAN 2020, by François Guillez

bob dylan an delà du mythe book in French BOB DYLAN AU-DELÀ DU MYTHE, by Vincent Brunner.

bob dylan au fil des albums book in French BOB DYLAN AU FIL DES ALBUMS (1962-2001), by Anthony Varesi.

bob dylan by greil marcus book in French BOB DYLAN BY GREIL MARCUS.

bob dylan chansons de 1962 à 1985 traduites en français BOB DYLAN - CHANSONS DE 1962 À 1985 TRADUITES EN FRANÇAIS, private publication.

bob dylan dictionnaire book in French BOB DYLAN - DICTIONNAIRE, by Jérôme Pintout.

bob dylan écrits et dessins book in French BOB DYLAN - ÉCRITS ET DESSINS, by Bob Dylan.

bob dylan électrique book in French BOB DYLAN ÉLECTRIQUE, by Elijah Wald. (2 editions)

bob dylan épitaphes 11 koechlin book in French BOB DYLAN - ÉPITAPHES 11, BIOGRAPHIE, by Stéphane Koechlin.

bob dylan et le mythe book in French BOB DYLAN & LE MYTHE - BOB DYLAN AND MYTH, several authors, bilingual edition.

bob dylan et le p'tit quinquin book in French * BOB DYLAN ET LE P'TIT QUINQUIN, by Noël Simsolo.

bob dylan et le rodeur de minuit in French BOB DYLAN ET LE RÔDEUR DE MINUIT, by Michel Embareck.

bob dylan et moi book in French BOB DYLAN ET MOI, by Jean-Jacques Astruc.

bob dylan l'album 1956-1966 book in French BOB DYLAN - L'ALBUM 1956-1966,  by Robert Santelli.

bob dylan l'autre voix de l'amérique book in French BOB DYLAN - L'AUTRE VOIX DE L'AMÉRIQUE, Le Nouvel Observateur Box set.

bob dylan l'éternel dissident book in French BOB DYLAN L'ÉTERNEL DISSIDENT, by Stéphane Letourneur. (2 editions, 1 pre-publication cover)

bob dylan intégrale rolling stones interviews book in French BOB DYLAN L'INTÉGRALE DES ROLLING STONE INTERVIEWS, Rolling Stone France.

bob dylan la totale margotin guesdon book in French dustcover 2015 BOB DYLAN LA TOTALE - LES 492 CHANSONS EXPLIQUÉES, by Philippe Margotin and Jean-Michel Guesdon. (3 editions) and HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED offprint.

bob dylan le country le rock book in French BOB DYLAN, LE COUNTRY ROCK ET AUTRES AMÉRIQUES, by François Ducray

bob dylan le personnage sa musique son mythe book in French BOB DYLAN - LE PERSONNAGE - SA MUSIQUE - SON MYTHE, by Nigel Williamson. 

bob dylan le troubadour incandescent book in French BOB DYLAN - LE TROUBADOUR INCANDESCENT, by Alain Wodrascka. ['Ghost book']

Bob Dylan mixing up the medicine french book BOB DYLAN - MIXING UP THE MEDICINE.

Bob Dylan modern times french book BOB DYLAN - MODERN TIMES, by Yves Bigot.

bob dylan music in review book in French BOB DYLAN, MUSIC IN REVIEW, by Jeff Perkins.

bob dylan poete de sa vie book in French BOB DYLAN - POÈTE DE SA VIE, by Jean-Dominique Brierre.

bob dylan real moments de barry feinstein book in French BOB DYLAN - REAL MOMENTS DE BARRY FEINSTEIN.

bob dylan 13 chansons en bande dessinées book in French BOB DYLAN REVISITED - 13 CHANSONS EN BANDE DESSINÉE.

bob dylan trois visions souterraines book in French BOB DYLAN - TROIS VISIONS SOUTERRAINES, by Lionel Bourg and Pierre Sève.

bob dylan un génie en liberté book in French BOB DYLAN - UN GÉNIE EN LIBERTÉ, by Julien Gautier.

bob dylan une biographie francois bon book in French BOB DYLAN - UNE BIOGRAPHIE, by François Bon. (2 editions, 1 uncorrected proof)

bob dylan une biographie francois guillez book in French BOB DYLAN - UNE BIOGRAPHIE, by François Guillez.

un histoire illustrée bob dylan book in French BOB DYLAN - UNE HISTOIRE ILLUSTRÉE, by Michael Gross.

ce que je n'ai pas dit à bob dylan book in French  * CE QUE JE N'AI PAS DIT À BOB DYLAN, by Jalal El Hakmaoui.

les chemins de bob dylan rémond 1971 book in French CHEMINS DE BOB DYLAN (LES), by Alain Rémond.

chroniques fayard 2005 bob dylan fayard 2005 book in French CHRONIQUES - VOLUME 1, by Bob Dylan (Chronicles - Volume One). (6 editions)

classic rock 1 book in French * CLASSIC ROCK 1, by Sylvain Vanot and others

les coffrets cultes fnac bob dylan book in French COFFRETS CULTES (LES), Fnac 2008.

coincée dans mobile bob dylan book in French COINCÉE DANS MOBILE (AVEC UNE RHAPSODIE POUR DYLAN), by Claude-Angèle Boni.

la complainte de l'empire burlesque bob dylan book in French * COMPLAINTE DE L'EMPIRE BURLESQUE (LA), novel by Jean-François Fidel

d'où viens-tu dylan book in French D'OÙ VIENS-TU DYLAN?, by Louis Skorecki.

demain j'ai rendez-vous avec bob dylan book in French * DEMAIN, J'AI RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC BOB DYLAN, by Dora Breitman.

dictionnaire-amoureux-du-rock de caunes 2017 * DICTIONNAIRE AMOUREUX DU ROCK, by Antoines de Caunes.

bob dylan discours à l'académie suédoise book in French DISCOURS A L'ACADÉMIE SUÉDOISE, by Bob Dylan

disques rares de 60s book in French * DISQUES RARES DES 60s, by Daniel Lesueur

dix jours avec bob dylan book in French DIX JOURS AVEC BOB DYLAN, by Robert Martin. (2 editions)

dylan music icon french english german book DYLAN ('BOB DYLAN' on spine), by Luke Crampton, Dafydd Rees and Wellesley Marsh.

bob dylan ducray manoeuvre vassal book in French 1975 DYLAN, by François Ducray, Philippe Manoeuvre, Hervé Muller and Jacques Vassal. (2 editions)

bob dylan images de sa vie book in French DYLAN - IMAGES DE SA VIE, by Henri Shapiro.

dylan in absentia book in French DYLAN, IN ABSENTIA, by Nicolas Comment.

bob dylan l'authenticité et l'imprévu book in French DYLAN, L'AUTHENTICITÉ ET L'IMPRÉVU, by Thomas Karsenty-Ricard.

bob dylan portraits et témoignages book in French DYLAN - PORTRAITS ET TÉMOIGNAGES, Tournon 2006

dylan cover cuesta book in French DYLAN COVER, by Stan Cuesta.

dylan dilemna book in French DYLAN DILEMMA, by Stéphanie Benson.

dylan dilemna book in French DYLAN ET LE CINÉMA, by Àngel Quintana.

dylan faces book in French DYLAN FACES BOOK, by Gradimir Smudja.

dylan intime book in French DYLAN INTIME, by Pierre-Jean Crittin and Frank Fatalot.

dylan par dylan interviews 1962-2004 book in French DYLAN PAR DYLAN - INTERVIEWS 1962-2004, by Jonathan Cott. (3 editions)

dylan par schatzberg book in French DYLAN PAR SCHATZBERG, by Jerry Schatzberg

dylanographie book in French DYLANOGRAPHIE, by Nicolas Livecchi

en route pour la gloire bob dylan book in French * EN ROUTE POUR LA GLOIRE, by Woody Guthrie.

en route pour la gloire bob dylan book in French * EN ROUTE VERS WOODSTOCK, by Jean-Marc Bel. (3 editions)

encyclopedie illustree du rock book in French * ENCYCLOPÉDIE ILLUSTRÉE DU ROCK, by Nick Logan and Bob Woffinden.

et puis un jour j'ai entendu bob dylan book in French ET PUIS UN JOUR J'AI ENTENDU BOB DYLAN, by Alain Rémond.

et puis un jour j'ai entendu bob dylan book in French ET UNE VOIX POUR CHANTER..., by Joan Baez.

figures de bob dylan book in French FIGURES DE BOB DYLAN by Nicolas Rainaud.

le folk, la révolution tranquille * FOLK (LE) - LA RÉVOLUTION TRANQUILLE, by Philippe Margotin.

folk & renouveau * FOLK & RENOUVEAU, by Philippe Robert and Bruno Meillier.

greatest hits 1998 bob dylan cd-booklet in French GREATEST HITS (BOB DYLAN), booklet with photos, includes the CD.

l'Idylle en Dylanie book in French * IDYLLE EN DYLANIE (L'), by Christian Grammatico.

integrale bob dylan  INTĖGRALE BOB DYLAN (L'), CD-Book aborted series (4 issues).

last waltz un film de martin scorsese bob dylan book in French LAST WALTZ (THE) - UN FILM DE MARTIN SCORSESE, by Jérôme and Sophie Soligny

bob dylan à la croisée des chemins marcus book in French 2005 LIKE A ROLLING STONE - BOB DYLAN À LA CROISÉE DES CHEMINS, by Greil Marcus. (3 editions)

like a rolling stone revisited book in French LIKE A ROLLING STONE REVISITED, by Jean-Michel Buizard

lyrics chansons 1962-2001 fayard 2008 bob dylan book in French LYRICS, by Bob Dylan. (2 editions)

moi je choisis la liberté book in French * MOI, JE CHOISIS LA LIBERTÉ, by Hugues Aufray with foreword by Bob Dylan.

la mort de bob dylan book in French * MORT DE BOB DYLAN (LA), novel by Nicolas Rainaud.

la mort de bob dylan book in French MY BACK PAGES - DYLAN & EUX by François Gorin.

n'avez vous rien à lire ? jean pierre duclos bob dylan book in French N'AVEZ VOUS RIEN À LIRE? compiled by Jean-Pierre Duclos

never ending tour bob dylan book in French NEVER ENDING TOUR - BOB DYLAN, by Alain-Pierre Pillet.

not dark yet chansons de bob dylan book in French NOT DARK YET - CHANSONS DE BOB DYLAN, by Nicolas Rainaud.


playlist bob dylan book in French * PLAYLIST, by Charles Berberian.

la poètique mythicale de bob dylan book in French POÉTIQUE MYTHICALE DE BOB DYLAN (LA), by J. Clemente

positively-4th-street-hadju-french-bob-dylan-book POSITIVELY 4th STREET by David Hadju (with uncorrected proof)

un printemps à new york bob dylan book in French * PRINTEMPS À NEW YORK (UN), by Marc Albert-Levin and Jean-Jacques Pauvert.

protest song bob dylan book in French * PROTEST SONG, by Marie-Hélène Fraïssé.

rencontres jean-marie perier bob dylan book in French * RENCONTRES, by Jean-Marie Périer

la république invisible greil marcus bob dylan book in French RÉPUBLIQUE INVISIBLE (LA), by Greil Marcus. (2 editions)

rock dreams bob dylan book in French 1973 * ROCK DREAMS, by Guy Peellaert and Nik Cohn. (5 editions)

rolling thunder sur la route avec bob dylan book in French ROLLING THUNDER - SUR LA ROUTE AVEC BOB DYLAN, by Sam Shepard. (2 editions)

series of dreams bob dylan et le cinéma book in French SERIES OF DREAMS - BOB DYLAN ET LE CINÉMA, by Simon Laperrière. (With a pre-publication cover)

si les chiens sont libres bob dylan book in French SI LES CHIENS SONT LIBRES..., by Bob Dylan, illustrations by Scott Campbell

sur la route avec bob dylan book in French SUR LA ROUTE AVEC BOB DYLAN, by Larry "Ratso" Sloman.

vie et amour sur la route avec bob dylan book in French SUR LA ROUTE AVEC BOB DYLAN - VIE ET AMOUR, by Britta Lee Shain

tarantula bourgois 1972 bob dylan book in French TARANTULA, by Bob Dylan. (7 editions)

le temps des possibles bob dylan book in French TEMPS DES POSSIBLES (LE) - GREENWICH VILLAGE, LES ANNÉES 1960, by Suze Rotolo.

three songs three singers three nations marcus bob dylan book in French * THREE SONGS, THREE SINGERS, THREE NATIONS, by Greil Marcus.

une vie une oeuvre bob dylan à la poursuite d'une légende book in French 2011 UNE VIE, UNE ŒUVRE - HORS SÉRIE LE MONDE, par Bruno Lesprit. (2 editions)

vagabondages bob dylan yves simon book in French * VAGABONDAGES - CHANSON - YVES SIMON - BOB DYLAN.

le vent selon bob dylan yves simon book in French VENT SELON BOB DYLAN (LE), by Bruno Geneste

la véritable histoire de  bob dylan book in French VÉRITABLE HISTOIRE DE BOB DYLAN, (LA), by Robert Zimmerman

visions de bob dylan book in French VISIONS DE BOB DYLAN, by Zéno Bianu.

vivre à plein bourre bob dylan book in French VIVRE À PLEIN (BOB DYLAN), by Jean-Paul Bourre.

vivre à plein bourre bob dylan book in French * VOYAGE EN DYLANIE, trilogy by Christian Grammatico.

watching the river flow sur les pas de bob dylan book in French WATCHING THE RIVER FLOW - SUR LES PAS DE BOB DYLAN, by Lionel Bourg

we enjoyed playing for you jean pierre duclos bob dylan book in French WE ENJOYED PLAYING FOR YOU- TOULOUSE 21.6.81, by Jean-Pierre Duclos.

woodstock dreams bob dylan book in French * WOODSTOCK DREAM, by Elliott Landy

  French is an indo-european language, family of the Roman languages. It is an official language in 29 countries across five different continents, most of which are members of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the community of 84 countries which share the official use or teaching of French. After having been the language of the Royal courts in Russia, Spain, England and the Princes of Germany, it still is to day, with English, a major language.
  French is, with English, the only language spoken on all continents: as a result of French and Belgian colonialism from the 16th century onward, the language was introduced to new territories in the Americas, Africa and Asia.
   It is spoken as a first language (in descending order of the number of speakers) in France, the Canadian provinces of Québec, Ontario and New Brunswick as well as other Francophone regions in Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, partly in Luxembourg, the states of Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont in the United States, northwestern Italy, and by various communities elsewhere.
  422 million people speak French in Africa in 2018, that's about 1/3 of the population of the African continent. There are more French speaking people in Africa than in Europe. The African countries where French is the first official language (Côte D'Ivoire, Gabon), and those where it is the second language (République Démocratique du Congo) are countries of the former French and Belgian colonial empires.
  French is estimated to have about 76 million native speakers and about 235 million daily, fluent speakers and another 77 to 110 million secondary speakers who speak it as a second language to varying degrees of proficiency.

All the World Languages in One Visualization: A World of Languages. flag UN

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