For three months, beside each new item, is noted the date of its addition to the page:
[0824] means August 2024,
[0924] means September 2024,
[1024] means October 2024.

To know what has been added to the website during these months,
just type the requested date [mmyy] in the Search.

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  What does bob dylan paper site image mean, and what are the rules -if any?
  The condition to be referenced here is: "document related to Bob Dylan printed on paper"; the digital-only publications (kindles and e-books) are therefore not listed.
  The items on the website are sorted in six main categories:

  - The BOOKS section presents all known items published on Bob Dylan worldwide, with all their editions, sorted by language. A list of titles and authors is presented on each 'language page', from which you can, by a click, get full details and large scans of every item.
  In order to identify various editions, the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), when known, is noted for each item. When searching a book on the Internet from its ISBN, remove the hyphens (or the points) between the numbers.
  The * asterisked books are not entirely devoted to Bob Dylan, but have enough about him inside to deserve a room in a Bob Dylan books collection, or interest the Dylan fan.
  Some books listed here are not really 'Dylan books', but 'Dylan-connected' -to his work or personal life- in a non obvious but quite real way: type 'indirect connection' in the Search to find them.
  The pre-publication covers do not really exist; they are only shown here to illustrate the life of the book, especially when the pre-cover was very different from the published edition: sometimes even the author's name was wrong!...

  -The PRESS section presents all known front covers worldwide (and some back covers too) entirely or partially dedicated to Bob Dylan, that is carrying at least his image, or an article about him -not just his name.
  The items are sorted by language and by country, and the number of pages on Bob Dylan, when known, is noted in brackets for each magazine. The Supplements are filed under the name of their father-magazine.
  Here are only front (or back) covers, no clippings. Collections of Bob Dylan clippings can be seen here and, among other artists, there. Special congratulations to Dag Braathen who gathered clippings on .pdf files. See and download them: Bob Dylan 1965 Appearances, The Release of Blonde On Blonde, and Bob Dylan - June 1966 to January 1968.
  The 14 OCTOBER 2016 NOBEL PRIZE OF LITERATURE ANNOUNCEMENT had such a massive press coverage that it deserved a special section: see the link on top of the Press list.

  -The FANZINES pages are as complete as possible, so are the PROGRAMMES and SONGBOOKS sections; unofficial print-on-demand sheet music can be bought over the Internet for most of Bob Dylan's songs: they are not presented here.

  -The ODDS & ENDS part gathers all that does not fit with the precedent categories. Dylan ticket stubs and concert posters, though obviously made of paper, have their own dedicated website and are therefore not here.
  The Dylan Promo postcards are now on the site, beside the item they promote; the others have a specific page: see 'Postcards' in the Odds/Various section. The German Sony/BMG promo postcards are not presented here.

  IMAGES: If there is only one picture on a page, it is displayed in large size (750 pixels height or more) -if available. When there are several items, in order to keep a unity on the page, they are presented as 300 pixels height images, most of them enlargeable by a click. Some scans are missing or can be improved: please contribute!
   Some people -two persons only actually-, contributors of the same memorabilia forum, claim to own the images they publish there, even if it is not them who took the photo!
   I do agree that the image of a specific item (a signed copy for example) belongs to its owner, but the reproduction of a commercial one -such as the front cover of a book- cannot be considered private property, especially when it was published before on the Internet. You will therefore find some of these images here.
   The webmaster only wants to show items of interest to the maximum of people and does not feel, by doing so, be stealing anything from anybody.

  DISPLAY: This website, with its large images, is built for computers. Some back covers or inside pictures are only visible if you pass your pointer over the fronts: you will unfortunately lose this effect on tablettes and smartphones... please avoid them if you can.

Come Writers And Critics small logo has of course no copyright on the images displayed on the website, but if you use them -or the comments and information-, please credit the website and its url, thank you.


new morning image "OH THE HISTORY BOOKS TELL IT..."

  The first version (#1.0) of  Come Writers And Critics small logo was put online in 1996. It was just a list of Bob Dylan books, sorted by languages and illustrated by small not enlargeable vignettes: there was no high-speed Internet at that time, and large images took a long time to load. Starting with the webmaster's own books collection, the lists quickly grew, thanks to the contribution of visitors and friends. The website was then extended to Magazines, Fanzines, Programmes, Songbooks, and later with the Odds & Ends section. It was regularly updated, but stayed for two decades in that form.

   Everything changed fall 2016 when an attempt to turn the website into a database was cancelled, as the person who initially offered to 'help me for free' finally asked for money, locked me out of the website and published for a time my work elsewhere under his name! He has now left the 'Dylan community' and nobody regrets him.

  But the experience was not totally negative, as it made me realise that it was possible to create a much better website than what existed: this is the current version, online since August 2017, regularly upgraded and almost daily updated.

  PLEASE report any mistakes in the pages: broken links, typos, or anything needing correction.

  This is version #2 of  Come Writers And Critics small logo, if we forget the sad 2016 failure. It would not have been possible without the help and advices of John Baldwin and Peter Oudejans. What can be called version #1 lasted for 20 years without notable modifications. From 2017, as I had much more time, 'Things Have Changed'.

  Important changes have been done through the years on the website:

        1.0 -List of books sorted by language with small images; then also magazines, fanzines, programmes..., (1996-2016),
        2.0 -Whole website: large scans or enlargeable images (August 2017)
        2.1 -Books section: individual pages created for each title (October 2017)
        2.2 -Books section: shortened lists of titles for each language with links to a detailed page for each title, (November 2017)
        2.3 -Magazines list sorted by languages, (January 2018)
        2.3.1 -Magazines list reorganised (October 2019)
        2.3.2 -Fanzines and Programmes lists reorganised (November 2019)
        2.3.3 -General simplification for a better display of information (December 2019) -Details on items and information added, now located above the pictures (March 2020) -Songlists noted for each songbook when not printed on the front cover (December 2022)
        2.4 -The website became 'mobile responsive', that is: adapted to smartphones and mobile devices (February 2023)



  A lot of people have contributed for years, or even decades, to Come Writers And Critics small logo by sending scans and information. They are not always mentioned on every page they helped to improve, but here are their names:

  Many thanks to: Susanna Agati, Analoguer, Lars M. Banke, Martin Barrack, Clive Barrett, John Bauldie, Gökalp Baykal, Guido Bieri, Daniel Biesemans, Olaf Boehme, Luis Borrego Polanco, Hans Bosch, Philippe Bouvier, Dag Braathen, Giorgio Brianese, Andrea Brillo, Paolo Brillo, Hanns-Peter Bushoff, Randy Chase, Xavier Cunillera, Marco Demel, Renaud Depierreux, Arie De Reus, Anneke Derksen, Wiebke Dittmer, Joe Dolce, Martin En Roos, Manfred Endtner, Hilda Fernhout, Alan Fraser, Manuel García Jara, Wil Gielen, Michael Gray, Edward Grazda, Juris Grinbergs, Federico Guglielmi, François Guillez, Jeremy Heist, Ger Hemel, Gijsbert Hinnen, Knut Högvall, Antonio Iriarte, Jürgen Jahreis, Thomas Jansen, Artur Jarosinski, Cherie Jarry, Magne Karlstad, Masato Kato, Andrew Keeble, Yuka Kichise, Jeff Klepper, Peter Koehler, Les Kokay, Catherine Lapierre, Patricia Lapierre, Kristine Lebreton, Larves, Ferdinand Lubberts, Ivana Lukic, Edvard Lysne, Mike McGarr, Sergio Mariano Romay, Jacques Marcou, Tino Markworth, Scott Marshall, Daniel Martin, Jean-Pierre Mercier, Serge Mironneau, Stuart Moore, Ed Newman, Itsuko Nishimura, Michael O'Shea, George Orr, Stephen Pickering, Pascual Piles Aracil, Yann Pinguet, Joseph Pohlschneider, Dominique Poisson, Paula Radice, Rick Rann, Pete Read, Hank Reineke, Eduardo Ricardo, George Rothe, Gerd Rundel, Matt Schlee, Robert Schlockoff, Shep, Jon Sievert, Ray Stavrou, Erik Svenson, Marcel Touati, Toshikazu Urushibata, Pierre van der Pol, Paolo Vites, Charles Wharton, Tom Willems, Martin Williams, Paul Williams, Jens Winter, Ian Woodward, Ross Wylde, Shane Youl, May Ziade, Matthew and Mieko Zuckerman for their great scans, information and help.

thank you image
Special thank you to Peter Oudejans, who gave access to his impressive lists, sent so many scans and corrected so many mistakes, Christian Fiot, Eric Galzi
and Jürgen Wasser, the best 'scan hunters' ever, and to our late friend John Baldwin for his regular and invaluable contributions. John, we really miss you a lot.

Thank you to Zappa Books, the excellent Frank Zappa web site, where some information about the Magazines is borrowed.
And we must not forget Wikipedia, with congratulations for its encyclopaedic (neither useless nor pointless) knowledge.


useful links Bob Dylan en Français  -  Bob Dylan in (het) Nederland(s)  -  Isis  -  Searching For a Gem  -  Bob Links.

The website was built with the help of Virginie Lavaud-Gally and Manenti Sébastien - Sitemap generated by XML Sitemap Generator.

The webmaster's time is free, the server and technical assistance are not: please donate if you can.

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