flag france BOB DYLAN, by Anthony Scaduto

BOB DYLAN, AN INTIMATE BIOGRAPHY translated into French by Dashiell Hedayat, with a postface by Hervé Muller.

bob dylan scaduto book in French
Union Générale d'Éditions, 10/18, 1973,
445 pages, No ISBN
bob dylan scaduto  bourgois book in French
Christian Bourgois Éditeur 1983, 511 pages.
ISBN 2-267-00350-3
bob dylan scaduto  bourgois book in French
This item, too small to be an obi,
was included into the pages
of the 1983 edition.
("New edition of the classic
by Anthony Scaduto
with a new update
by Hervé Muller")

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