"On October 13, 2016, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, recognizing his countless contributions to music and letters over the last 50 years. Some months later, he delivered an acceptance lecture that is now memorialized in book form for generations to come. In THE NOBEL LECTURE, Dylan reflects on his life and experience with literature, providing both a rare artistic statement and an intimate look at a uniquely American icon. From finding inspiration in the music of Buddy Holly and Leadbelly to the works of literature that helped shape his own approach to writing - The Odyssey, Moby-Dick, and All Quiet on the Western Front - this is Dylan like you've never seen him before." (
You can listen to the Nobel Lecture here.
The booklet has been translated into French, German, Italian, Japanese and Turkish.
USA: Simon & Schuster, (October 31, 2017), hardcover, 24 pages. ISBN 978-1501189401.
UK: Simon & Schuster, (November 30, 2017) hardcover, 24 pages. ISBN 978-1471172182.
 Front cover |
 Back cover |
Below: same, Limited Signed Edition: presented in a black book-style linen box noted 'Limited Edition', with a black tray insert that displays the signed edition book. Edition of 100 copies only, each individually signed and numbered, with certificate of authenticity. When published, it was sold for $2,500 -plus applicable taxes of course-, today (July 2023) it is proposed (not sold...) by Abebooks at US$12,750. ISBN 978-1501190445

 Signed and numbered on the limitation page |
 Certificate of Authenticity
Below: Other edition, with a slightly different box: Bob Dylan's name as a signature, and no 'Limited Edition' mention. The signature on the front cover of the box is the one that was used for years for the DRAWN BLANK SERIES booklets. The book is still presented in a black tray insert as the one above. It does not have the limitation page.
 Box (front) |