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ーベル文学賞受賞スピーチ (The Nobel Prize speeches)

THE NOBEL LECTURE and more, English texts translated into Japanese and deciphered by Yuji Hatakeyama.

   This book includes the ACCEPTANCE SPEECH as read on behalf of Bob Dylan by the United States Ambassador to Sweden Azita Raji in the Stockholm City Hall on 10 December 2016, and the NOBEL LECTURE by Bob Dylan, that took place in Los Angeles, on June 4th, 2017.
   There are detailed explanations of the English text for Japanese readers, and some illustrations. The book is structured by cutting the Nobel speeches into small pieces and adding paraphrases or grammar explanations like reference books for entrance exams.
   The chapters are: - Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (full text), - Complete Commentary on the Speech, and - Full Idiomatic Translation of the Acceptance Speech.
   Thank you to Masato Kato for the information. 

Bele Publishing 2019, 150 pages, softcover with dustjacket. ISBN 978-4-86064-572-4.

ディランのノーベル文学賞受賞スピーチ Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize for Literature Award speech, book in Japanese

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