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ライトミュージック [Light Music], Japan

   ライトミュージック (in English 'Light Music') was a monthly music magazine that presented song lyrics and music, published by the Yamaha Music Foundation. 'Approved as second-class mail on December 1, 1969,' the first issue must have been published in December 1969 or early 1970.
   ライトミュージック was distinctly different from the Japanese folk/new music magazines MUSIC LIFE and YOUNG GUITAR. It was the perfect magazine for a rock kid to get started. From the beginning it was wide-ranging, befitting the title 'Light Music,' with a focus on Western rock and pop music, but also featuring instruments such as synthesizers and guitars.
  Thank you to Toshikazu Urushibata, Matthew and Mieko Zuckerman for the information.

Below: #66, October 1973; it presents a collection of 50 Dylan songs, lyrics and music.

light music japan magazine Bob Dylan front cover





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