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    MUSIC LIFE started as MUSIC LINE in 1937! After some stops and restarts, in 1946, it restarted as MUSIC LIFE, but soon ceased. In 1951, it finally restarted; it ceased paper publication in December 1998. Publisher is Shinko Music Entertainment Co.
    MUSIC LIFE focused on jazz and translated pop music, but also presented Japanese singers and bands. The cover reads 'Jazz Monthly Magazine', but around this time in Japan, the term 'jazz' referred to American popular music as a whole.

Below: October 1969, 7 pages. The cover reads 'Miraculous Concert In The 4th Year' -no information about which concert it's about...

Thank you to Eric Galzi for the improved image and Toshikazu Urushibata for the information.

music life japan magazine Bob Dylan front cover



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