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GEORGIA STRAIGHT, Canada (British Columbia)

    The GEORGIA STRAIGHT is now a free Canadian weekly news and entertainment newspaper published in a large "tabloid" format in Vancouver, British Columbia, by the Vancouver Free Press Publishing Corp. Often known simply as THE STRAIGHT, it is delivered to newsboxes, post-secondary schools, public libraries and a large variety of other locations.
    THE STRAIGHT carries feature articles, ranging from social topics, such as drug use and gentrification to in-depth looks at cultural newsmakers like the writer Salman Rushdie. There are also many advertiser-related articles and listings on lifestyle and entertainment, commenting on restaurants, new wines, new gadgets, designer clothes, and the latest in music, theatre and movies. Rounding out the regular features are the well-known American advice columnist Dan Savage with his Savage Love, commentator Gwynne Dyer, cartoons, and a local astrology column. The newspaper's editorial slant is strongly left wing as conceived in the Canadian political spectrum.

    In the late 1960s, when titled GEORGIA STRAIGHT VANCOUVER FREE PRESS, it was more an underground newspaper, quite famous among Bob Dylan collectors for its early publication of TARANTULA, several years before its official release in 1971:

    Starting late August 1968, GEORGIA STRAIGHT published a series of excerpts of Bob Dylan's book; you can see below two September 1968 issues, with part 3 and 4 of the series.

   Georgia Straight 6-12 Sept 1968     Tarantula in Georgia Straight 6-12 Sept 1968 September 6-12 1968, Tarantula part 3

Georgia Straight 13-19 Sept 1968     Tarantula in Georgia Straight 13-19 Sept 1968 September 13-19 1968, Tarantula part 4

      The publication of the excerpts was stopped in October 1968, after the magazine received this letter from Bob Dylan's lawyers: (click to enlarge)

dylan's lawyers letter to georgia straight magazine about Bob Dylan tarantula

       ...but this was not the end of the story: two years later, in December 1970, GEORGIA STRAIGHT published the whole book as a special 16-page supplement, on 3 columns with illustrations:

georgia straight magazine Bob Dylan tarantula    georgia straight magazine Bob Dylan tarantula page 1 2 2-9 December 1970

       ... with two questions and answers to the readers on the back cover:

georgia straight advice   

georgia straight magazine Bob Dylan front cover 1
Unknown date, early 1970s, 'interview by Weberman' (better image requested)

cohen reading georgia straight magazine Bob Dylan front cover 2
Leonard Cohen reading Vol.13 # 569, 20-27 October 1978 (scan of the front cover requested)



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