nobel anouncement


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   The WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL is a daily newspaper published in Madison, Wisconsin by Lee Enterprises. The newspaper, the second largest in Wisconsin, is primarily distributed in a 19 county region in south-central Wisconsin. As of September 2018, the Wisconsin State Journal had an average weekday circulation of 51,303 and an average Sunday circulation of 64,820.
  The State Journal is the state's official newspaper of record, and statutes and laws passed are regarded as official seven days after the publication of a state legal notice.

Thank you to Eric Galzi for this item. [1224]

wisconsin state journal Bob Dylan front cover
LOOK, supplement
24 May 1991

wisconsin state journal Bob Dylan front cover
LOOK, supplement
9 October 1991

wisconsin state journal Bob Dylan front cover
LOOK, supplement
6 November 1991

wisconsin state journal Bob Dylan front cover
RHYTHM, supplement
7 November 1996

wisconsin state journal Bob Dylan front cover
DAYBREAK, supplement
22 June 2004

wisconsin state journal Bob Dylan front cover
A & E, supplement
29 October 2006



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