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THE WINNIPEG SUN, Canada (Manitoba)

    The Winnipeg Sun is a daily tabloid newspaper in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It is owned by Postmedia following its acquisition of Sun Media,and shares many characteristics typical of Sun tabloids, including an emphasis on local news stories, extensive sports coverage, and a daily Sunshine Girl.
     The newspaper, like most of those in the Canadian Sun chain, are known for short, snappy news stories aimed primarily at working class readers. The Sun's layout is based somewhat upon that of British tabloids.
     It is distributed throughout the Winnipeg metro region through retail sales, vending machines and home delivery.

Thank you to Eric Galzi for the images.

winnipeg sun Bob Dylan front cover
26 August 1988,
winnipeg sun Bob Dylan front cover
16 October 1988, FRIDAY,

winnipeg sun Bob Dylan front cover
25 August 2002



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