TORONTO STAR, Canada (Ontario)

    The TORONTO STAR is a Canadian broadsheet daily newspaper. As of 2015, it was Canada's highest-circulation newspaper in overall weekly circulation: although a close second to THE GLOBE AND MAIL in daily circulation on weekdays, it overtakes the GLOBE in weekly circulation because the GLOBE does not publish a Sunday edition. The TORONTO STAR is owned by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited, a subsidiary of Torstar Corporation and part of Torstar's Daily News Brands division.

Thank you to Eric Galzi for the images.

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
ENTERTAINMENT, supplement,
5 January 1974 [0125]
The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
SUNDAY STAR, supplement
27 November 1977

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
29 January 1978 [0125]
The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
7 October 1978
The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
STREET TALK, supplement
12 October 1978

The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
13 October 1978

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
ENTERTAINMENT, supplement,
13 October 1978 [0125]
toronto star Bob Dylan front cover
18 April 1980

toronto sun Bob Dylan front cover
ENTERTAINMENT, supplement,
18 April 1980
Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
24 May 1981 [0125]
Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
WEEKEND, supplement,
18 May 1991 [0125]

starweek 4 July 1998 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
STAR WEEK, supplement,
July 4 to 11 1998,
2 pages.
toronto-star Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
17 October 1999

toronto-star Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
THE TICKET, supplement
17 October 1999

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
5 May 2001 [0125]
Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
23 March 2004 [0125]

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
I.D., supplement,
23 March 2004 [0125]
starweek September 2005 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
STAR WEEK, supplement
September 24_30 2005
starweek September 2005 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
6 October 2005

starweek September 2005 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
TRAVEL EXTRA supplement
6 October 2005
Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
24 May 2006

A & E Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
A&E supplement,
24 May 2006

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
ENTERTAINMENT, supplement,
30 November 2007 [0125]

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
ENTERTAINMENT, supplement,
8 December 2016 [0125]
Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
BUSINESS, supplement,
3 May 2018 [0125]
Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
ENTERTAINMENT, supplement,
6 October 2019 [0125]



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