The TORONTO STAR is a Canadian broadsheet daily newspaper. As of 2015, it was Canada's highest-circulation newspaper in overall weekly circulation: although a close second to THE GLOBE AND MAIL in daily circulation on weekdays, it overtakes the GLOBE in weekly circulation because the GLOBE does not publish a Sunday edition. The TORONTO STAR is owned by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited, a subsidiary of Torstar Corporation and part of Torstar's Daily News Brands division.

Thank you to Eric Galzi for the images.

The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
27 November 1977 [0724]
The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
7 October 1978 [0724]
The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
12 October 1978 [0724]

The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
13 October 1978 [0724]

toronto star Bob Dylan front cover
18 April 1980

toronto sun Bob Dylan front cover
18 April 1980
starweek 4 July 1998 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
July 4 to 11 1998,
STAR WEEK, supplement,
2 pages.  
toronto-star Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
17 October 1999 [0724]

toronto-star Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
17 October 1999 [0724]
THE TICKET, supplement

toronto-star Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
23 March 2004 [0724]

starweek September 2005 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
September 24_30 2005,
STAR WEEK, supplement

starweek September 2005 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
6 October 2005

starweek September 2005 Canada Home Entertainment Magazine of The Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
6 October 2005,
TRAVEL EXTRA supplement

Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
24 May 2006 [0524]

A & E Toronto Star Bob Dylan front cover
24 May 2006, A&E
supplement [0524]



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