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         This is the Argentinean edition of the United States' ROLLING STONE, intended for that country, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay; it is published by the publishing group La Nación. It covers local content, complemented by translations of the original edition’s coverage in the United States.

rolling stone magazine argentina 2005 special Bob Dylan front cover           magazine Bob Dylan front cover
2005, special edition, part of the series 'Colección 50 años de Rock', 13 pages.
It came with the CD BLOOD ON THE TRACKS (Sony/BMG 512350 2)
which corresponded to #4 of the series
(there was a 'classic' album with every issue of the series).  
Thank you to Sergio Mariano Romay for the information.

rolling stone magazine argentina #47 Bob Dylan front cover
#47, February 2002, 3 pages
rolling stone magazine argentina #163 Bob Dylan front cover
#163, October 2011
rolling stone magazine argentina #203 Bob Dylan front cover
#203, February 2015




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