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LA RAZÓN, Argentina

     LA RAZÓN is a local newspaper distributed in the public transportation system in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was founded in 1905 by Argentine journalist Emilio Morales as an afternoon (Quinta edición) and evening (Sexta edición) newspaper in broadsheet format. The daily was acquired by a prominent news editor, José A. Cortejarena, in 1911 and became the first newspaper in Argentina owned by a journalist. Its political alignment is Centrist, its circulation 110 000.

Below: 2 April 1998, 2 pages. Scaned from Isis # 178; the article explains that nobody of the production waited for Bob Dylan when he landed in Buenos Aires and that he bought a bottle of wine and took a taxi to his hotel.
The taxi story is true (see here CLARÍN 3 April 1998), but actually the person besides Bob on the photo is a fan who had bought the bottle as a gift to Bob and was so surprised to be close to him that he did not say a word to his idol and did not even give him the bottle!

la razon argentina Bob Dylan front cover 




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