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PÚBLICO, Portugal

      PÚBLICO (meaning Public in English) is a Portuguese daily national newspaper published in Lisbon, Portugal, founded on 5 March 1990. The paper was awarded the European Newspaper of the Year in the category of nationwide newspapers by European Newspapers Congress in 2014. The current editorial line is outspokenly pro-europeanist.

pop rock portugal magazine Bob Dylan front cover
←  1990s: Supplement to the newspaper,
unknown date (1990-1995).
More information and better image requested.
público portugal magazine 2012 Bob Dylan front cover
1 August 2012
público portugal magazine 2019 Bob Dylan front cover
21 June 2019
público portugal magazine 2023 Bob Dylan front cover
2 June 2023

público portugal supplement 2023 Bob Dylan front cover
2 June 2023
ÍPSILON, supplement
público portugal magazine 2023 Bob Dylan front cover
4 June 2023



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