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flag spain In SPANISH (189) -13 countries
flag sweden SWEDEN (28)
flag thailand THAILAND (3)
flag turkey TURKEY (19)



    The NEW YORK POST (sometimes abbreviated as NY Post) is a daily tabloid newspaper in New York City.
Established in 1801 by Federalist and Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, it became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century, under the name NEW YORK EVENING POST. In 1976, Rupert Murdoch bought the Post for US$30.5 million. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation and its successor, News Corp, which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. Its distribution ranked 4th in the US in 2019.

New York Post 1971 Bob Dylan front cover 2 August 1971

new york post 1980 magazine Bob Dylan front cover 2 July 1980, hand printed booklet with the words to the album Saved new york post 1997 magazine Bob Dylan front cover 29 May 1997, 2 pages

new york post 1998 magazine Bob Dylan front cover February 1998



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