MORGENAVISEN JYLLANDS-POSTEN (The Morning Newspaper "The Jutland Post"), commonly shortened to Jyllands-Posten or JP, is a Danish daily broadsheet newspaper. It is based in Aarhus C, Jutland, and with a weekday circulation of approximately 120,000 copies.
    Thank you to Lars M. Banke for this information and Eric Galzi for the images..

morgenavisen magazine 2011 Bob Dylan front cover
21 May 2011

morgenavisen magazine 2021 Bob Dylan front cover
21 May 2011,
KULTUR supplement
morgenavisen magazine 2020 Bob Dylan front cover
19 June 2020

morgenavisen magazine 2021 Bob Dylan front cover
23 May 2021

morgenavisen magazine Bob Dylan front cover
22 October 2022

morgenavisen magazine 2012 supplement Bob Dylan front cover
22 October 2022
JPBØGER supplement



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