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    ΜΕΤΡΟΝΟΜΟΣ (METRONOMOS) is a Greek music culture magazine on glossy paper, published by Peridiarrow.

    This is issue #71, July 2019.
    It presents 'Bob Dylan in Greek music' through various articles on 29 pages: Bob Dylan - The Greek dimension, by Fonta Trousa, The timeless influence of Bob Dylan on Greek song by Byron Kritzas, Panos Katsimichas: Dylan gave me the song, curator Spyros Aravanis, Dionysis Savvopoulos for Bob Dylan, curator Iraklis Economou, Phivos Delivorias: There was a mind that entered mine, curated by Iraklis Economou, and Thanasis Gayfyllias for Bob Dylan in an old interview with Vivi Zografou Dylan, the Nobel Prize in Literature and Homer, by Spyros Aravanis.
     The magazine came with a CD (see below)': 'Back Pages, A Tribute to Bob Dylan live', concert of Dylan songs by Greek artists.

    Thank you to Eric Galzi for the information.

Metronomos greece magazine Bob Dylan front cover

Metronomos greece cd Bob Dylan front cover




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