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flag albania ALBANIA (1)
flag iraq In ARABIC (3) -3 countries
flag bulgaria BULGARIA (2)
flag catalunia In CATALAN (4)
flag china In CHINESE (12) -2 countries
flag croatia CROATIA (4)
flag czech republic CZECH REPUBLIC (11)
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us-uk flag In ENGLISH (858) -19 countries
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flag finland FINLAND (16)
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flag greece GREECE (19)
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flag italy In ITALIAN (87) -2 countries
flag japanese JAPAN (63)
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flag norway NORWAY (45)
flag poland POLAND (15)
flag portugal In PORTUGUESE (51) -3 countries
flag romania ROMANIA (1)
flag russia In RUSSIAN (5) -2 countries
flag serbia In SERBIAN (5) -2 countries
flag slovakia SLOVAKIA (1)
flag spain In SPANISH (189) -13 countries
flag sweden SWEDEN (28)
flag thailand THAILAND (3)
flag turkey TURKEY (19)



   KURSBUCH is a German cultural magazine founded in 1965 by Hans Magnus Enzensberger in collaboration with Karl Markus Michel and first published by Suhrkamp Verlag. It was one of the most important organs of the 1968 Extra-Parliamentary Opposition and Student Movement (APO). After several breaks in publishing and personnel, the magazine is now published in the Kursbuch Kulturstiftung, edited by Armin Nassehi and Peter Felixberger.

#205, March 2021. Musikbox Kursbuch Kulturstiftung GmbH Hamburg. paperback. 2-page Dylan article by Sibylle Lewitscharoff: Bob Dylan, Rough and Rowdy Ways. ISBN 978-3-96196-202-0

kursbuch Bob Dylan front cover



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