Published in Hamburg, "HÖRZU is Germany’s longest-running and – for decades - best-selling radio/TV program magazine. The weekly was established in 1946 and had – in their best times – a circulation of close to five million. Coming from the Axel Springer publishing group, it has always been the most conservative of all Germany 'programmys'.
Since sometime in the early 50s 'Original & Fälschung' (Original and Forgery) has been part of the back pages of HÖRZU every week. You’d have to find ten little differences between forgery and original of a certain painting. Usually the paintings HÖRZU chose were well-known classic pieces by anybody from Dürer to Rembrandt.
All the more astonishing was that suddenly, in 2006 and 2007, two Dylan works were chosen. Never before and never after. Maybe somebody in the HÖRZU camp was a Dylan fan …"
Thank you to Hanns Peter Bushoff for the documents and the explanation.
May 2001, # 20/21 |
 January 2006
 December 2007