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us-uk flag In ENGLISH (855) -19 countries
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flag spain In SPANISH (189) -13 countries
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flag thailand THAILAND (3)
flag turkey TURKEY (19)



      CREEM (which is always capitalized in print as CREEM despite the magazine's nameplate appearing in mostly lower case letters), "America's Only Rock 'n' Roll Magazine", was a monthly rock 'n' roll publication first published in March 1969 by Barry Kramer and founding editor Tony Reay.
      It suspended production in 1989 but received a short-lived renaissance in the early 1990s as a glossy tabloid. Lester Bangs, often cited as "America's Greatest Rock Critic", became editor in 1971. The term "punk rock" was coined by the magazine in May 1971, in Dave Marsh's Looney Tunes column about Question Mark & the Mysterians.

creem magazine 1969 06 Bob Dylan front cover
June 1969, no information
creem magazine 1972 02 Bob Dylan front cover
February 1972, 12 pages
creem magazine 1976 01 Bob Dylan front cover
January 1976, Bob Dylan content is only on the (great) front cover
creem magazine 1977 02 Bob Dylan front cover
February 1977, 7 pages


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