Editor Andrew Muir, A4. From 1990 to 1995, there were 11 issues and three 'Special Subscribers' Issue' plus an 'Information Line Special' (November 1995).
   The Christmans 1995 special issue, the final offering, essentially morphed into a new zine, DIGNITY.
   DIGNITY’s publisher, John Baldwin, was already producing/publishing HOMER, THE SLUT for Muir and this final issue carried a full-page advert for the first issue of DIGNITY magazine. (Information ISIS #219).
   More information on Andrew Muir's page.

homer the slut #1 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 1, August 1990
homer the slut #2 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 2, January 1991
homer the slut #3 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 3, May 1991
homer the slut #4 bob Dylan Fanzine
  Issue 4, September 1991

homer the slut Special Issue #1 bob Dylan Fanzine
First Special Subscribers' Issue, late 1991
homer the slut #5 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 5, January 1992

homer the slut #6 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 6, mid 1992
homer the slut #7 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 7 (late 1992)
homer the slut #8 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 8 (early 1993)
homer the slut #9 bob Dylan Fanzine
#9 (mid 1993)

homer the slut Special Issue #2 bob Dylan Fanzine
Special Subscribers' Issue 2, 1993 
homer the slut #10 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 10 (mid 1994)

homer the slut Special Issue #3 bob Dylan Fanzine
Special Subscribers' Issue 3 ...The Final End, 1994
homer the slut #11 bob Dylan Fanzine
Issue 11 (autumn 1994)
- The Finishing End
homer the slut Special Issue #4 bob Dylan Fanzine
Information Line Special, Christmas 1995


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